Rubellite—pure seduction!
From the colorful family of tourmalines, this especially beautiful gemstone is pure seduction. From tender pink to shocking pink to intense violet tourmalines, only a few of these are entitled to be called Rubelite. A true Rubellite color is a medium to dark saturated red/red, red/purple, to red/purple/very slight peach. Think Raspberry like the fruit. Because nature has created Rubelite in so many color nuances, I believe there is the perfect color just right for every woman to select.
You should know that a major portion of Rubellites on the market have been heat treated and irradiated. This is a common practice. Heating generally does not affect the value of Rubellite; it only modifies the color of the stone or heats out an undesirable color. Just remember Heat is something that happens in Mother Nature. After all, isn’t Mother Nature pure seduction