Rather than talking about a particular jewelry trend in this blog, I am reminded of the seasonal changes taking place now that the end of October is fast approaching. The first week of November has always been a time of festivals and celebrations marking the end of the harvest and beginning of winter. The end of harvest marked the end of the year and also became the time many cultures honored loved ones who passed on. This time period has taken on different names with different religions and cultures, but basically is a time set aside for honoring the dead.
Aside from the most famous ritual, Halloween, begun with the Celtic Culture, the Day of the Dead has become equally famous throughout Mexico and Latin America.
Day of the Dead, Oct 28ththrough Nov1st is a time where family members decorate an altar with flowers, food and photos of their lost relatives. The celebration of this festival tends to believe death is something that should be celebrated and not to be afraid of. In general, this is a festive time designed with spiritual meaning as well as the playful aesthetic of sugar skulls and dancing skeletons. It’s a time where the indigenous communities and beliefs are honored and respected as well as a time for a celebration that anyone can participate. This is truly a global holiday.
Also interesting to note the colors associated with the Day of the Dead: Purple signifies pain, suffering, grief and mourning, Pink signifies Celebration, White, Purity and Hope, Orange, the Sun and Red, the Blood of Life and Yellow represents Marigolds who's petals are used to mark the pathway to the family altar.